Ok, so many of you have asked me why we don't have pictures of ourselves on our website... and I guess we need to, but for now you can gaze upon us here.
One of these black and whites of Jeremy was posted in our portrait section. Myself, I like to keep a low profile so I keep my potential clients guessing. You would be suprised how many people are uncomfortable with my tattoos. It's like the big, GIGANTIC elephant in the room that they are dying to look at but they don't want me to catch them peeking. I can say for sure that I have lost business to a few brides as a result of my tattoos. At first I was really peeved, but, now I figure it's better that they find out sooner instead of later. Besides, I don't want to work for someone who isn't comfortable with me because it will definitely show up in the pictures... pictures with the deer in the headlights looks... Yes, I am speaking from experience... experience with people who were clearly uncomfortable with my ink.
Sometimes I'm cracking up behind that camera, that's why I'm staying back there so long. :)
And for those who don't know me, and are reading this before an appointment, don't worry, I only have a few visable tattoos. No sleeves or anything intense like that. Just a few small pieces here and there. And you are welcome to ask me if you can see them when we meet. :)
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